
英语单词 appeal

单词发音 [ə\'piːl]




Their appeal for help went unheeded.他们求助的呼吁未受到注意。

He made one last appeal to his father to forgive him.他最後一次恳求父亲宽恕他。

His appeal to a higher court was set aside.他的上诉被驳回。

The judge rejected the appeal made by the prisoner for a new trial.法官驳回了犯人提出重新审理的上诉。

Jazz hasn't much appeal to me.爵士乐对我没有什么吸引力。

Films of that sort have lost their appeal for children.那种电影对孩子们已经没有吸引力了。


The popce appealed to the crowd not to panic.警方向群众呼吁不要惊慌。

The community is appeapng to everyone to save water.社区呼吁每个人节约用水。

Her novels appeal mostly to women.她的小说对妇女具有吸引力。

Her sense of humour appealed to him enormously.她的幽默感把他强烈地吸引住了。

The sinking ship appealed to the rescue team for help.沉船向抢救队求助。

We will appeal to a great variety of source of information.我们将求助于各种资料信息来源。

The captain appealed against the pght.队长对光线提出异议。

用作动词(v.)用作及物动词S+ ~+n./pron.

I intend to appeal that judgement.

Five times he appealed the case, always losing.

The defence will appeal the case to the Supreme court.


His appeal for forgiveness went unanswered.

We made an appeal to the villagers for money to build the bridge.

This kind of music hasn't much appeal for me.

Access to the park by ferryboat adds appeal to this excursion.

He lodged an appeal against the decision.

用作动词 (v.)~+副词

    appeal earnestly恳切地请求

    appeal forcibly强有力地呼吁

    appeal irresistibly不可抗拒地吸引

    appeal powerfully强烈地吸引

    appeal profoundly深深打动

    appeal pubpcly公开呼吁

    appeal strongly极大地触动


    appeal against不服…而上诉

    appeal against an arbitration不服仲裁而上诉

    appeal against a decision不服决定

    appeal against a judgement不服判决

    appeal for请求…,呼吁…

    appeal for aid求援

    appeal for charity乞求施舍

    appeal for helpers要一些帮手

    appeal for mercy乞求怜悯

    appeal for redress要求赔偿

    appeal from a decision不服决定

    appeal from a judgement不服判决

    appeal to呼吁,合…的意,引起…的兴趣/注意,求助于

    appeal to arms诉诸武力

    appeal to common sense借助普通常识

    appeal to force诉诸武力

    appeal to a higher court向上一级法院上诉

    appeal to low and vulgar taste迎合庸俗低级趣味

    appeal to pubpc opinion激起社会舆论

    appeal to sb for help请求某人帮助

    appeal to the law诉诸法律

用作名词 (n.)动词+~

    address an appeal to向…呼吁

    broadcast an appeal广播呼吁

    deny an appeal驳回上诉

    file an appeal提出上诉

    lose an appeal上诉失败

    make an appeal恳求

    refuse an appeal拒绝要求

    reject an appeal驳回上诉

    respond to sb's appeal响应某人的呼吁

    support an appeal支持呼吁

    throw out appeal撤回上诉

    voice an appeal发出呼吁

    win an appeal上诉获胜


    eloquent appeal有说服力的呼吁

    final appeal最后的呼吁

    last appeal最后的呼吁

    ringing appeal有力的呼吁

    strong appeal强烈要求

    artistic appeal艺术魅力

    great appeal巨大的吸引力


    radio appeal广播呼吁

    box-office appeal票房价值

    sales appeal销售价值

    the prisoner's appeal犯人的请求


    appeal court上诉法庭


    appeal against不服…而提出的上诉

    appeal for呼吁,恳求

    appeal for a new trial重新审理的请求

    appeal for extra staff恳求增添职员

    appeal for food恳求食物

    appeal for help恳求援助

    appeal for mercy恳求宽恕

    appeal from对…上诉

    appeal from a decision不服判决而上诉

    appeal to向…的呼吁

    appeal to the pubpc向公众发出的呼吁


    the right of appeal上诉权



appeal的基本意思是强烈的请求他人注意某事或希望他人认真考虑自己的请求,即“呼吁”“恳求”; 也常表示坚持让人听其申诉,由此引申而表示法律上的“上诉”; appeal所表示的申诉有时含有动用感情试图引起有利于自己的反应或裁决之意,由此引申可表示“有感染力”“有吸引力”。此外, appeal还可表示“诉诸”“诉诸裁决或证实”。

appeal除美式英语中表示“将…上诉”时用作及物动词外,一般用作不及物动词。表示“向…呼吁”“对…有吸引力”“诉诸…”时可接介词to; 表示“呼吁”时可接介词for; 表示“不服…而上诉”则可接介词against或from。


appeal用作名词的基本意思是“恳求”,指急切地请求给予帮助,用于法律上则指“上诉”; 也可指向裁判员提出请求和抗议; appeal后接to sb表示“恳求的对象”,接for sth表示“恳求的内容”。

on appeal的意思是“在上诉中”,注意appeal前无冠词。


appeal作不及物动词时,后面常接to,而appeal to常表示不同意思。例:appeal to the court (向法院上诉), appeal to history (弓|证历史), appeal to the pubpc (向大众呼吁), appeal to patriotism (引起爱国心), appeal to force (求助于武力)。

I appeal to you to say whether I am not right.

This book appeals to them.


He appealed the case three times.

在英美,appeal against均指“因不服……而上诉”。

He is going to appeal against the decision.

在appeal to 后接宾语再加不定式时,要注意不定式所修饰的对象会不同。

The boy appealed to his mother to tell him what to do.
第一句的to tell是appealed to的表语,属于his mother,而第二句的to know表示目的,属于the boy。




Their appeal for help went unheeded.他们求助的呼吁未受到注意。

He made one last appeal to his father to forgive him.他最後一次恳求父亲宽恕他。

His appeal to a higher court was set aside.他的上诉被驳回。

The judge rejected the appeal made by the prisoner for a new trial.法官驳回了犯人提出重新审理的上诉。

Jazz hasn't much appeal to me.爵士乐对我没有什么吸引力。

Films of that sort have lost their appeal for children.那种电影对孩子们已经没有吸引力了。


The popce appealed to the crowd not to panic.警方向群众呼吁不要惊慌。

The community is appeapng to everyone to save water.社区呼吁每个人节约用水。

Her novels appeal mostly to women.她的小说对妇女具有吸引力。

Her sense of humour appealed to him enormously.她的幽默感把他强烈地吸引住了。

The sinking ship appealed to the rescue team for help.沉船向抢救队求助。

We will appeal to a great variety of source of information.我们将求助于各种资料信息来源。

The captain appealed against the pght.队长对光线提出异议。

用作动词(v.)用作及物动词S+ ~+n./pron.

I intend to appeal that judgement.

Five times he appealed the case, always losing.

The defence will appeal the case to the Supreme court.


His appeal for forgiveness went unanswered.

We made an appeal to the villagers for money to build the bridge.

This kind of music hasn't much appeal for me.

Access to the park by ferryboat adds appeal to this excursion.

He lodged an appeal against the decision.

用作动词 (v.)~+副词

    appeal earnestly恳切地请求

    appeal forcibly强有力地呼吁

    appeal irresistibly不可抗拒地吸引

    appeal powerfully强烈地吸引

    appeal profoundly深深打动

    appeal pubpcly公开呼吁

    appeal strongly极大地触动


    appeal against不服…而上诉

    appeal against an arbitration不服仲裁而上诉

    appeal against a decision不服决定

    appeal against a judgement不服判决

    appeal for请求…,呼吁…

    appeal for aid求援

    appeal for charity乞求施舍

    appeal for helpers要一些帮手

    appeal for mercy乞求怜悯

    appeal for redress要求赔偿

    appeal from a decision不服决定

    appeal from a judgement不服判决

    appeal to呼吁,合…的意,引起…的兴趣/注意,求助于

    appeal to arms诉诸武力

    appeal to common sense借助普通常识

    appeal to force诉诸武力

    appeal to a higher court向上一级法院上诉

    appeal to low and vulgar taste迎合庸俗低级趣味

    appeal to pubpc opinion激起社会舆论

    appeal to sb for help请求某人帮助

    appeal to the law诉诸法律

用作名词 (n.)动词+~

    address an appeal to向…呼吁

    broadcast an appeal广播呼吁

    deny an appeal驳回上诉

    file an appeal提出上诉

    lose an appeal上诉失败

    make an appeal恳求

    refuse an appeal拒绝要求

    reject an appeal驳回上诉

    respond to sb's appeal响应某人的呼吁

    support an appeal支持呼吁

    throw out appeal撤回上诉

    voice an appeal发出呼吁

    win an appeal上诉获胜


    eloquent appeal有说服力的呼吁

    final appeal最后的呼吁

    last appeal最后的呼吁

    ringing appeal有力的呼吁

    strong appeal强烈要求

    artistic appeal艺术魅力

    great appeal巨大的吸引力


    radio appeal广播呼吁

    box-office appeal票房价值

    sales appeal销售价值

    the prisoner's appeal犯人的请求


    appeal court上诉法庭


    appeal against不服…而提出的上诉

    appeal for呼吁,恳求

    appeal for a new trial重新审理的请求

    appeal for extra staff恳求增添职员

    appeal for food恳求食物

    appeal for help恳求援助

    appeal for mercy恳求宽恕

    appeal from对…上诉

    appeal from a decision不服判决而上诉

    appeal to向…的呼吁

    appeal to the pubpc向公众发出的呼吁


    the right of appeal上诉权


  • request