
英语单词 day

单词发音 [deɪ]




Owls sleep by day and work at night.猫头鹰白天睡觉晚上工作。

There will be occasional showers during the day.白天将偶有阵雨。

He is seldom at home during the day.他白天很少在家。

You can see stars by night, but not by day.你在夜晚可以看到星星,白天却看不到。

He has been working all day.他已工作了一整天。

The eggs began to decompose after a day in the sun.鸡蛋在太阳下放了一天后开始变坏。

The milkman comes every other day.送牛奶的人每隔一天来一次。

He is the man of the day.他是时下的风云人物。

He was a great singer once but now he's had his day.他曾是个红歌星,但现在风华已去。


The attack occurred six days ago.

How many days are there in a week?

Next day he found they had arranged to go by train to Beijing.

The trial lasted for ten consecutive days.

The day she entered college was a big day for her.

He was in the pubpc eye these days.

The days are getting longer in summer.

The exhibition will be opened day and evening.

They have done a good day's work.

We are paid by the day.

She works an 8-hour day and a 5-day week.

The boy was paid two dollars a day.

We took three days to paint the house.

Christmas Day was a Wednesday this year.

In my day, things were different.

In those days we often went short of food and clothing.

They pved in want in those days.

They were often buried in memories of the past in those days.

The distance between the two cities was in those days too great to permit of frequent contact.

His days are numbered.

Your day will come.

The day is doubtful.

They have lost the day.

用作名词 (n.)动词+~

    close one's day结束一天(的活动)

    end one's day结束一天(的活动)

    get a day off休假一天

    have a day off休假一天

    have free days有空

    keep one's day遵守约好的日子

    pve out one's days过了一辈子

    name a day指定一个日子

    put off the day延期

    see one's day过日子

    spend a day度过一天

    take a day off work歇一天班

    take all day占去整天时间

    carry the day得胜

    lose the day打败仗

    save the day挽救局面

    turn the day against sb使某人不利

    win the day打胜仗


    all day (long)全天,整天

    all the day整天地

    any day随便那一天

    better day美好的日子

    big day重要日子

    bitter day苦日子

    bright day明媚的一天

    broad day大白天

    busy day忙碌的一天

    calm day平静的日子

    clear day晴天

    cold day冷天

    dull day阴晦的日子

    eight-hour-working day八小时工作日

    even-numbered day双号的日子

    every day每天,天天

    every other day每隔一天

    every second day每隔一天

    fine day晴天,晴朗的一天

    first days初期

    following day翌日

    free day休息日

    golden days黄金时代

    gone days逝去的日子

    great day重要的日子

    grey day灰蒙蒙的日子

    hot day热天

    late day后期

    long-wished-for day盼望已久的一天

    many a day许多天,好多天

    modern days现今

    natural day白天

    next day第二天

    nice day晴朗的一天

    old days过去,旧社会,从前

    open day开幕的日子,开张的日子

    the other day不久前某天

    pleasant day愉快的一天

    proper day适当的日子

    quiet day平静的一天

    regular day平常的日子

    sad day悲痛的日子

    several days数日,数天

    some day将来某一天

    terrible day可怕的一天

    the National D-国庆节

    the very day正当那天,当天

    these days现在,目前

    this day今天

    whole day整天

    warm day暖和的一天


    autumn day秋日

    beach day在海滨的日子

    business day营业日

    childhood days童年时代

    closing day闭幕日

    college days大学时代

    dog days七、八月份的酷暑日子

    fast day斋日

    field day(学校等的)户外运动日,有开心活动的日子

    fog day多雾天

    opening day开幕日

    pay day发薪日

    summer day夏日,夏天

    visiting day探望日

    wedding day婚礼日

    work day工作日

    All Fool's D-愚人节

    April Fool's D-愚人节

    Army D-建军节

    Christmas D-圣诞节

    Labour D-劳动节

    Mother's D-母亲节

    New Year's D-元旦

    Teachers' D-教师节

    Thanksgiving D-感恩节

    Valentines D-情人节

    Women's D-妇女节

    Youth D-青年节


    day boy走读生

    day care centre日间托儿所

    day dream白日梦

    day hospital专收门诊的病院

    day labour按日计酬的零工

    day letter白天递送

    day school日校

    day students走读生

    day telegram较普遍的电报(其费用低但慢)


    at day白天

    before day天亮前

    behind the days跟不上时代

    by day and by night日日夜夜

    by the day按日

    during the day白天

    from day to day日复一日

    for a day(持续)一天

    in a day一日

    in a day or two在一两天内

    in one's day在某人的鼎盛时期

    in our days在当代

    of a day短命的

    of the days当代的,当时的

    on a near day日内,三五天内,近日

    on some day将来有一天

    on the day〈英〉到那时

    to a/the day刚好,一天也不差

    to this day至今

    without day无期,不定期


    the day after tomorrow后天

    the day before yesterday前天

    day in the past过去的日子

    day of exhibition展览日

    days of old从前,过去的日子里

    days of rain接连几天下雨

    days of youth青年时代





day还可作“时期; 时代; 寿命”解,常用复数形式,若用单数常须与my, their等物主代词连用。




day可用作量词, a day可表示“每天”。


误 One day morning,I ran into her on my way to school.

正 One morning,I ran into her on my way to school.

析 “一天早上”应译为one morning,不能译为one day morning。它既可以指过去的某天早上,也可指将来的某天早上。


误 Tomorrow will be the Children's Day.

正 Tomorrow will be Children's Day.

析 在含有day的节日名称前,通常不加定冠词the。


误 They usually play indoor games in rainy days.

正 They usually play indoor games on rainy days.

析 表示“在特定的某一天”用介词on,如指一天的过程用介词in。


误 You will receive her letter in one day or two.

正 You will receive her letter in a day or two.

正 You will receive her letter in one or two days.

析 表示“在一两天内”,应该说in a day or two或in one or two days,但不能说in one day or two。


误 I haven't seen her for five years to day.

正 I haven't seen her for five years to the day.

析 表示时间确切到一点也不差时,应该用...to the day。


误 They rested during day and travelled by night.

正 They rested by day and travelled by night.

析 “在白天”是by day,用介词by而不用during。



Owls sleep by day and work at night.猫头鹰白天睡觉晚上工作。

There will be occasional showers during the day.白天将偶有阵雨。

He is seldom at home during the day.他白天很少在家。

You can see stars by night, but not by day.你在夜晚可以看到星星,白天却看不到。

He has been working all day.他已工作了一整天。

The eggs began to decompose after a day in the sun.鸡蛋在太阳下放了一天后开始变坏。

The milkman comes every other day.送牛奶的人每隔一天来一次。

He is the man of the day.他是时下的风云人物。

He was a great singer once but now he's had his day.他曾是个红歌星,但现在风华已去。


The attack occurred six days ago.

How many days are there in a week?

Next day he found they had arranged to go by train to Beijing.

The trial lasted for ten consecutive days.

The day she entered college was a big day for her.

He was in the pubpc eye these days.

The days are getting longer in summer.

The exhibition will be opened day and evening.

They have done a good day's work.

We are paid by the day.

She works an 8-hour day and a 5-day week.

The boy was paid two dollars a day.

We took three days to paint the house.

Christmas Day was a Wednesday this year.

In my day, things were different.

In those days we often went short of food and clothing.

They pved in want in those days.

They were often buried in memories of the past in those days.

The distance between the two cities was in those days too great to permit of frequent contact.

His days are numbered.

Your day will come.

The day is doubtful.

They have lost the day.

用作名词 (n.)动词+~

    close one's day结束一天(的活动)

    end one's day结束一天(的活动)

    get a day off休假一天

    have a day off休假一天

    have free days有空

    keep one's day遵守约好的日子

    pve out one's days过了一辈子

    name a day指定一个日子

    put off the day延期

    see one's day过日子

    spend a day度过一天

    take a day off work歇一天班

    take all day占去整天时间

    carry the day得胜

    lose the day打败仗

    save the day挽救局面

    turn the day against sb使某人不利

    win the day打胜仗


    all day (long)全天,整天

    all the day整天地

    any day随便那一天

    better day美好的日子

    big day重要日子

    bitter day苦日子

    bright day明媚的一天

    broad day大白天

    busy day忙碌的一天

    calm day平静的日子

    clear day晴天

    cold day冷天

    dull day阴晦的日子

    eight-hour-working day八小时工作日

    even-numbered day双号的日子

    every day每天,天天

    every other day每隔一天

    every second day每隔一天

    fine day晴天,晴朗的一天

    first days初期

    following day翌日

    free day休息日

    golden days黄金时代

    gone days逝去的日子

    great day重要的日子

    grey day灰蒙蒙的日子

    hot day热天

    late day后期

    long-wished-for day盼望已久的一天

    many a day许多天,好多天

    modern days现今

    natural day白天

    next day第二天

    nice day晴朗的一天

    old days过去,旧社会,从前

    open day开幕的日子,开张的日子

    the other day不久前某天

    pleasant day愉快的一天

    proper day适当的日子

    quiet day平静的一天

    regular day平常的日子

    sad day悲痛的日子

    several days数日,数天

    some day将来某一天

    terrible day可怕的一天

    the National D-国庆节

    the very day正当那天,当天

    these days现在,目前

    this day今天

    whole day整天

    warm day暖和的一天


    autumn day秋日

    beach day在海滨的日子

    business day营业日

    childhood days童年时代

    closing day闭幕日

    college days大学时代

    dog days七、八月份的酷暑日子

    fast day斋日

    field day(学校等的)户外运动日,有开心活动的日子

    fog day多雾天

    opening day开幕日

    pay day发薪日

    summer day夏日,夏天

    visiting day探望日

    wedding day婚礼日

    work day工作日

    All Fool's D-愚人节

    April Fool's D-愚人节

    Army D-建军节

    Christmas D-圣诞节

    Labour D-劳动节

    Mother's D-母亲节

    New Year's D-元旦

    Teachers' D-教师节

    Thanksgiving D-感恩节

    Valentines D-情人节

    Women's D-妇女节

    Youth D-青年节


    day boy走读生

    day care centre日间托儿所

    day dream白日梦

    day hospital专收门诊的病院

    day labour按日计酬的零工

    day letter白天递送

    day school日校

    day students走读生

    day telegram较普遍的电报(其费用低但慢)


    at day白天

    before day天亮前

    behind the days跟不上时代

    by day and by night日日夜夜

    by the day按日

    during the day白天

    from day to day日复一日

    for a day(持续)一天

    in a day一日

    in a day or two在一两天内

    in one's day在某人的鼎盛时期

    in our days在当代

    of a day短命的

    of the days当代的,当时的

    on a near day日内,三五天内,近日

    on some day将来有一天

    on the day〈英〉到那时

    to a/the day刚好,一天也不差

    to this day至今

    without day无期,不定期


    the day after tomorrow后天

    the day before yesterday前天

    day in the past过去的日子

    day of exhibition展览日

    days of old从前,过去的日子里

    days of rain接连几天下雨

    days of youth青年时代


  • daylight日光
  • daytime白天
  • time时间
  • date日期
  • era纪元
  • period一段时间
  • sun太阳
  • day白天
  • age年龄
  • generation代
  • mean solar day平均太阳日
  • prime最好的
  • ascendancy统治权
  • heyday全盛期
  • epoch 时期
  • solar day[天]太阳日
  • height高度
  • fete庆祝
  • jubilee纪念或者庆典(特别指周年...
  • holiday假日
  • of关于
  • broad daylight大白天
  • full sun全日照
  • diurnal每日的
  • feast day节日
  • holy day宗教节日,瞻礼日...
  • daylight hours白昼小时
  • saint's day圣徒纪念日
  • natal day生日
  • calendar day日历日
  • red-letter day大喜日子
  • sunup日出
  • mean意思是
  • point in time特定时间
  • solar太阳的
  • set time规定时间
  • appointed time指定的时间
  • sundown日落时分
  • twenty-four二十四
  • to对于
  • Hours时间
  • full满的
  • sunlight日光
  • light光
  • broad宽广的
  • appointed指定的
  • particular特定的
  • set放置
  • in在 ... 里
  • sidereal day恒星日(较标准日约短四分...
  • point观点
  • holy神圣的
  • natal出生的
  • feast宴会
  • red-letter红字的
  • night