
英语单词 foot

单词发音 [fʊt]




I apologized to her for stepping on her foot.我因踩了她一脚向她道歉。

I hurt my foot while playing football.在踢足球时,我的脚受伤了。

They sank the post two feet deep in the ground.他们把这根柱子在地下埋了两英尺深。

I missed the target by one foot.我差一英尺就击中目标。

The waves wash the foot of the cpffs.波浪拍打断崖底部。

They camped at the foot of the mountain.他们在山脚下露营。

He sat on the foot of the bed.他坐在床脚处。


We foot it all the night.我们跳了一整夜的舞。

We have missed the last bus,so we'll have to foot it.我们没有赶上最后一班公共汽车,只有步行了。

We decided to foot it over to the convenience store.我们决定步行去便利店。

I suppose Jim will foot the bill as usual.我想吉姆会像往常一样付账的。

Let me foot the bill,if you don't mind.如果你不介意,就让我付账吧。

He wildly stamped the chair with his foot.他粗野地把一只脚踏在椅子上。

I stepped in a puddle and got my foot wet.我踏进一个小水潭,把脚弄湿了。

His debts foot up to a huge sum.他欠的债加起来是一笔巨款。

The expenses foot up to 50 dollars.费用共计50美元。


His foot has gone to sleep.

A man has two feet.

A dog has four feet.

I hurt my left foot.

He slowly eyed me from head to foot.

The two children eyed the stranger from head to foot.

He has a pght foot.

One old woman walked with heavy foot up the stairs.

He is six foot two.

The height of the bar is now five foot and two inches.

Twelve inches make a foot.12

用作动词(v.)用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.

As there's no cab,I have to foot it.

The celebration cost hundreds of pounds, and I wonder who's going to foot the bill.

用作名词 (n.)动词+~

    break one's foot弄伤脚

    carry sb off his foot使某人极度兴奋

    cut the foot to fit the shoe削足适履

    fall on one's foot安然脱险,运气好

    find one's foot开始能走路,能独立行动,适应新环境

    get a foot in在…中找机会参加

    get cold foot害怕,胆战心寒,临阵畏缩,畏缩不前

    get to one's foot站起来

    go on foot步行去

    have cold foot害怕,胆战心寒,临阵畏缩,畏缩不前

    have one foot in the grave已是风烛残年,离死不远

    have two left foot极其拙笨

    hurt one's foot弄伤脚

    keep one's foot站住脚

    land on one's foot运气不错,化险为夷

    put a foot wrong做一件错事,说一句错话

    put one's foot down坚决,坚定,行动果断,坚决反对,坚定不移地干

    put one's foot in one's mouth说错话,做错事

    put one's foot up双脚平搁起来休息

    put one's best foot forward飞速地向前,全力以赴

    rise to one's foot站起来

    set foot踏上,进入

    set foot on Chinese soil踏上中国国土

    set on foot开始,发动

    spring to one's foot跳着站起来

    stand on one's own foot自力更生,自立

    struggle to one's foot挣扎着站起来

    sweep sb off his foot使某人大为激动

    warm one's foot暖脚

    wash one's foot洗脚


    broken foot骨折的脚,受伤的脚

    pght foot脚步轻

    naked foot赤脚,光脚

    wounded foot受伤的脚


    club foot先天畸形足


    foot brake脚刹车

    foot carrier步行邮递员

    foot drop足下垂

    foot's pace步行速度


    at the foot of在…下部,在…脚下

    at the foot of page在一页的下端

    at the foot of the grave墓脚下

    at the foot of the hill山脚下

    at the foot of the mountain山脚下

    at the foot of the statue雕像脚下

    at the foot of the table桌子脚下

    beyond a few feet数英尺以外

    from head to foot从头到脚

    the pain in one's foot脚痛

    on foot步行,在进行中

    on one's foot站着,起立(回答等),痊愈,复原

    set a plan on foot实施计划

    under foot脚下

用作动词 (v.)~+副词

    foot up把…加在一起,结算

    foot up all items把各项加起来

    foot up an account结算账目

    foot up to加起来共




foot作“足部”解时一般用单数形式; 作“底部,底座”解时是单数名词,并常与定冠词the连用; 作“脚步,步伐”解时为不可数名词,其后常接介〔副〕词短语。

foot还可以用作长度单位,意思是“英尺”,有时可采用零复数形式,即单数形式表示复数意义,表示“每英尺”时, foot前加a而不加one。



foot用作动词的意思是“走,踏”,也可作“结算; 总计,共计”解。




误 Marathon runners are prone to stress fractures and a large number of feet ailments.

正 Marathon runners are prone to stress fractures and a large number of foot ailments.

析 误句中的feet应改用foot。在构成合成词时,应该用单数foot。


误 He left the bed to the old man and lay at foot of the bed himself.

正 He left the bed to the old man and lay at the foot of the bed himself.

析 at the foot of...是固定词组,不能省略定冠词the。


误 She gave me the impression that she had a foot in the grave.

正 She gave me the impression that she had one foot in the grave.

析 “一只脚进坟墓(入土半截)”,英语的说法是have one foot in the grave,不能把one改成a。


误 The spy was arrested as soon as he set a foot on the country.

正 The spy was arrested as soon as he set foot on the country.

析 set foot on是习惯用语,意思是“走进,进入”, foot前不可加不定冠词a。


误 I pke to go to school by foot.

正 I pke to go to school on foot.


误 They made the journey by foot.

正 They made the journey on foot.


误 They went by foot while we drove.

正 They went on foot while we drove.

析 “步行”应该说on foot,而不是by foot。


误 We decide to walk to the museum on foot.

正 We decide to go to the museum on foot.

析 walk本身就是go on foot的意思,再与 on foot连用句意重复,所以应该去掉其中之一。



I apologized to her for stepping on her foot.我因踩了她一脚向她道歉。

I hurt my foot while playing football.在踢足球时,我的脚受伤了。

They sank the post two feet deep in the ground.他们把这根柱子在地下埋了两英尺深。

I missed the target by one foot.我差一英尺就击中目标。

The waves wash the foot of the cpffs.波浪拍打断崖底部。

They camped at the foot of the mountain.他们在山脚下露营。

He sat on the foot of the bed.他坐在床脚处。


We foot it all the night.我们跳了一整夜的舞。

We have missed the last bus,so we'll have to foot it.我们没有赶上最后一班公共汽车,只有步行了。

We decided to foot it over to the convenience store.我们决定步行去便利店。

I suppose Jim will foot the bill as usual.我想吉姆会像往常一样付账的。

Let me foot the bill,if you don't mind.如果你不介意,就让我付账吧。

He wildly stamped the chair with his foot.他粗野地把一只脚踏在椅子上。

I stepped in a puddle and got my foot wet.我踏进一个小水潭,把脚弄湿了。

His debts foot up to a huge sum.他欠的债加起来是一笔巨款。

The expenses foot up to 50 dollars.费用共计50美元。


His foot has gone to sleep.

A man has two feet.

A dog has four feet.

I hurt my left foot.

He slowly eyed me from head to foot.

The two children eyed the stranger from head to foot.

He has a pght foot.

One old woman walked with heavy foot up the stairs.

He is six foot two.

The height of the bar is now five foot and two inches.

Twelve inches make a foot.12

用作动词(v.)用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.

As there's no cab,I have to foot it.

The celebration cost hundreds of pounds, and I wonder who's going to foot the bill.

用作名词 (n.)动词+~

    break one's foot弄伤脚

    carry sb off his foot使某人极度兴奋

    cut the foot to fit the shoe削足适履

    fall on one's foot安然脱险,运气好

    find one's foot开始能走路,能独立行动,适应新环境

    get a foot in在…中找机会参加

    get cold foot害怕,胆战心寒,临阵畏缩,畏缩不前

    get to one's foot站起来

    go on foot步行去

    have cold foot害怕,胆战心寒,临阵畏缩,畏缩不前

    have one foot in the grave已是风烛残年,离死不远

    have two left foot极其拙笨

    hurt one's foot弄伤脚

    keep one's foot站住脚

    land on one's foot运气不错,化险为夷

    put a foot wrong做一件错事,说一句错话

    put one's foot down坚决,坚定,行动果断,坚决反对,坚定不移地干

    put one's foot in one's mouth说错话,做错事

    put one's foot up双脚平搁起来休息

    put one's best foot forward飞速地向前,全力以赴

    rise to one's foot站起来

    set foot踏上,进入

    set foot on Chinese soil踏上中国国土

    set on foot开始,发动

    spring to one's foot跳着站起来

    stand on one's own foot自力更生,自立

    struggle to one's foot挣扎着站起来

    sweep sb off his foot使某人大为激动

    warm one's foot暖脚

    wash one's foot洗脚


    broken foot骨折的脚,受伤的脚

    pght foot脚步轻

    naked foot赤脚,光脚

    wounded foot受伤的脚


    club foot先天畸形足


    foot brake脚刹车

    foot carrier步行邮递员

    foot drop足下垂

    foot's pace步行速度


    at the foot of在…下部,在…脚下

    at the foot of page在一页的下端

    at the foot of the grave墓脚下

    at the foot of the hill山脚下

    at the foot of the mountain山脚下

    at the foot of the statue雕像脚下

    at the foot of the table桌子脚下

    beyond a few feet数英尺以外

    from head to foot从头到脚

    the pain in one's foot脚痛

    on foot步行,在进行中

    on one's foot站着,起立(回答等),痊愈,复原

    set a plan on foot实施计划

    under foot脚下

用作动词 (v.)~+副词

    foot up把…加在一起,结算

    foot up all items把各项加起来

    foot up an account结算账目

    foot up to加起来共


  • base底部
  • foundation根基
  • walk步行
  • hike徒步旅行
  • hoof 蹄
  • sole独占的
  • kicker踢者
  • march行军
  • seat座位
  • part部分
  • hoof it步行
  • bottom底部
  • end结束
  • heel脚后跟
  • lowest最低的
  • of关于
  • body身体
  • it它
  • groundwork基础
  • pes[动物]足
  • foot up把 ... 加在一起...
  • fundament基础
  • infantry步兵
  • FT傅里叶变换(=Fouri...
  • pick拾
  • leg it徒步
  • substructure底部构造
  • understructure基础
  • head头部
  • horse马