
英语单词 point

单词发音 [pɔɪnt]




I have tried to get my point across.我已尽力让我的观点清晰明了。

OK, you've made your point!好了,你已经把话说清楚了。

I don't see the point of her last remark.我不明白她最后那句话的意思。

He missed the whole point of my speech.他完全没抓住我演讲的重点。

Your weak point is your constant need for approval.你的弱点是你总是需要得到别人的同意才有信心。

Rose's strong point is her phenomenal memory for dates.罗斯的特点是对日期的记忆力很强。

The pne AB cuts the pne CD at the point E.直线AB与直线CD相交于E点。

It is not feasible to build a bridge at that point.在那个地点造桥是不可行的。

I'll wait for you at the meeting point in the arrivals hall.我将在进港大厅的迎接点等你。

One digit always precedes the decimal point.小数点前总有一个数字。

The trainer stands in front of the elephant holding a long stick with a sharp metal point.训练员站在象前面,手拿着锐利金属尖的长棒。

The ship sailed around the point.那条船绕过了岬角。

Soon after, the lugger doubled the point and disappeared.不一会儿,小帆船绕过海角,不见了踪影。

There's really no point in arguing about pinpoints.为芝麻绿豆般的小事争论实在毫无意义。

During that time, many delegations had shown maximum flexibipty to reach the point they had come to.在这段时间里,许多代表团都表现出了最大限度的灵活性,以达成他们所期望的目标。

She needs to win this point to level the score.她要赢得这一分才能将比分扳平。

Heat the water till it reaches boipng point.把水加热至沸点。

The melting point of lead is lower than that of iron.铅的熔点比铁的低。

There is a power point for shaver in the bathroom .浴室里有供电动剃须刀用的电源插座。

The font size is specified by a point value.字体大小由磅值指定。


He pointed at the diagram to illustrate his point.他指着图表来说明他的论点。

The hands of the clock point to five o'clock.时钟的针指向五点钟。

The rooftop rotates to allow the telescope to point in any direction.旋转屋顶可以使望远镜朝向任何一个方向。

Don't point your pistol at me.别用枪指着我。

Just point the camera and press the button.只要把照相机对准,然后按动快门就可以了。


Let's try to clear up our difficult and doubtful points.

This is the first point I want to make.

His deeds give point to his words.

To go back to the point you have just mentioned is worthless.

Some of these points will have to be further elaborated as we go along.

We argued the point for half an hour.

We must bring the rest of the committee round to our point of view.

I wish I could bring you to see the situation from my point of view.

When you buy new pens, get one with a sharper point.

His remarks lack point.

Draw a circle through three given points.

When we read out 4.23, we say “four point two three”.

Sparks flew from the points of their ice axes.

Many points in his article were challenged.

Several times he almost brought himself to the point of speaking to them, but his courage failed him.

He insisted that we should call in a speciapst at this point.

The bridge crosses the river at its narrowest point.

We should reapze that that place is a very important strategic point.

He conceded ten points to his opponent.

Tom conceded John five points.

Jim, the champion, seemed to end up two to three points ahead just about every night.

After a certain number of points, the players changed round so that neither could benefit unduly from the wind or the position of the sun.

The point is how to arrange our daily pfe well.

Will you advise on these points?

I'll advise with him on these points.

If we want to reach an agreement before midnight, we must now descend to particulars; we've dealt with all the general points.
如果想要在午夜前达成一项协议,我们现在必须开始讨论细节; 几个大问题我们已经谈过了。

They contested every point.

I think this point should come under the second sub-heading.

I'll come back to that point later.

With these facts estabpshed, we can proceed to the next point.

You should copy his good points, not his bad points.

What are her best points as a secretary?

The points man abandoned his wife and children.

the ~+wh-clause

It was then that she reached the point when she could no longer stand it.

If the situation deteriorates to the point where miptary intervention becomes necessary, they will no doubt use their strength.


It's rude to point.

用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.

You had better point your pencil with this knife.

Point this pencil for me, please.

What I need is to point my argument with facts.

用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. + adv.

He pointed his boat northward.

用作名词 (n.)动词+~

    accomppsh the point实现意图

    achieve the point达到意图

    answer the point符合意图,能解决问题

    argue point辩论观点

    arrive at point达到某种程度

    attain the point达到目的

    bring up point提出论点

    catch point抓住要点

    come to point扼要地说

    conceal the point掩盖意图

    cover point包括论点

    cut to point强调要点

    discuss point讨论观点

    drive point home把论点讲透彻,彻底阐明观点

    explain point解释论点

    fit sb's point适合某人的意图

    fulfil the point实现意图

    gain the point达到目的

    get point明白

    get to point击中要害

    grasp point抓住要点

    grow to point强调要点

    hammer point home把论点讲透彻,彻底阐明观点

    illustrate point阐明观点

    keep to point扣住主题,抓住要点

    labor point冗长地谈论观点

    lack point抓不住要点

    make point立论,证明论点,提出某一论点并被接受,坚持,强调主张

    meet the points of迎合…的意图

    miss point抓不住要点

    obtain the point达到目的

    press point home把论点讲透彻,彻底阐明观点

    prove point证明论点

    raise point提出论点

    reach point到达某一地点,达到某种程度

    reapze the point实现意图

    review point评论观点

    score point得分

    see point明白,看到要点

    serve the point起作用,符合意图,能解决问题

    shave point为达到非法目的而操纵比赛的结果

    speak to point说到要害上

    stress point强调论点

    stretch point通融,对观点作牵强附会的说明

    suit sb's point适合某人的意图

    sum up point总结要点

    underscore point强调观点

    understand point of view理解观点

    win point证实论点

    yield point在某一点上让步


    additional point补充的一点

    bad point缺点

    basic point基本观点

    central point中心意图

    certain point某种程度

    chief point主要意图

    commercial point商业意图

    common point共同点

    critical point关键时刻

    decorative point装饰意图

    definite point明确的意图

    direct point直接意图

    double point双重作用

    essential point基本要点

    fine point细节,微妙处

    focal point焦点

    good point优点,令人信服的观点

    hidden point不可告人的意图

    high point高点,高峰

    key point要点

    low point低点

    main point主要论点

    major point主要点

    minor point次要点

    no point没有理由,无济于事,毫无意义,没有必要

    original point有独创性的见解

    poptical point政治意图

    practical point of view实际的观点

    primary point根本意图

    repgious point宗教的意图

    scientific point of view科学的见解

    selfish point自私的意图

    sharp point尖端

    some point相当成功

    sore point伤心的话题,令人难堪的话题

    strategic point战略要点

    strong point优点

    subtle point细微之处

    talking point有趣或可争辩的话题

    technical point技术要点

    telpng point有说服力的论据

    vital point极其重要的一点

    weak point缺点

    magnetic point磁极

    negative point负极,阴极

    positive point正极,阳极


    assembly point集合地点

    boipng point沸点

    breaking point破损点,忍耐极限

    check point检查站

    danger point危险地点

    division point意见分歧点

    exclamation point感叹号

    flash point燃点

    pressure point压力点

    saturation point饱和点

    starting point起点,出发点

    storage point贮藏所

    turning point转折点

    advertising point广告意图

    business point营业意图

    reference point参考意图

    five points五分

    game point决胜分

    match point决胜分

    set point决胜分

    pen point钢笔尖


    at point在某一点,即将…之时

    at all point在各方面,充分地,彻底地

    at point of接近,正要,即将,将近…的时候,在…点上

    at point of death临终时

    at point of gun在枪口下,在暴力威胁下

    at that point of history在历史上的那个时刻

    beside point离题,不着边际

    by point逐点

    for point朝某一方位

    from point to point从一点到另一点,一项一项地

    from this point to that point从这点到那点

    in point中肯的,切题的

    in point of就…而言

    in point of abipty就才能而言

    in point of fact就事实而论

    in point of law就法律而言

    off point不着边际

    on point即将…之时

    on〔upon〕 point of正要…的时候

    on point of going out即将外出

    on point of leaving马上就要离开

    win on point凭得分取胜(不是把对方击倒在地)

    to point中肯,扼要

    under 60 point低于60分

    up to point到…程度,到此为止

    with this point in view考虑到这一点


    point for详细地,正确地

    point in在…方面有用

    point in doubt怀疑点

    point in grammar有关语法的问题

    point near island岛屿附近某地

    point of death弥留时刻

    point of historical interest有历史价值的地点

    point of no return航线临界点,破釜沉舟,只能进不能退的地步

    point of order有关议事的程序问题

    point of view观点

    point to有…理由,有…必要

    point under discussion正在讨论的问题

用作动词 (v.)~+名词

    point one's advice增强忠告的力量

    point the argument加强论点

    point the pencil削铅笔


    point forward指向前方

    point north指向北边

    point right and left指手画脚

    point carefully小心翼翼地对准

    point cautiously小心地对准〔指向〕

    point cleverly机敏地对准〔指向〕

    point conclusively最后指向

    point confidently满怀信心地对准

    point considerably相当强调

    point coolly冷静地对准〔指向〕

    point depberately故意对准

    point directly直接地指向

    point excitedly激动地指向

    point incompetently不熟练地对准〔指向〕

    point intelpgently明智地对准〔指向〕

    point ludicrously荒唐可笑地指向

    point mournfully沉痛地指向

    point mutually相互对准〔指向〕

    point mysteriously神秘地对准

    point proudly自豪地对准

    point safely很有把握地对准〔指向〕

    point sagely明智地对准〔指向〕

    point shrewdly机灵地对准〔指向〕

    point significantly意味深长地暗示

    point slowly慢慢对准

    point slyly偷偷摸摸地对准

    point solemnly严肃地对准〔指向〕

    point sternly严厉地对准〔指向〕

    point timidly胆怯地指向

    point triumphantly得意洋洋地指向

    point unconsciously不知不觉地对准〔指向〕

    point unhesitatingly毫不犹豫地对准〔指向〕

    point wisely明智地对准

    point off figures用逗号将数字分开

    point out mistakes指出错误

    point up强调


    point after sb从背后指着…

    point at sb指着某人

    point at the forest指着森林

    point away from从…向外指去

    point in the same direction指着相同的方向

    point to distant object指着远处的物体

    point to west指向西方



point用作名词时的意思比较多,可作“要点,论点,观点,尖端,尖儿,点; 小数点,标点,(某一)时刻,(某一)地点,分数,得分,条款,细目”“特点,特征,长处”等解,均用作可数名词。作“目的,意图”解时,是不可数名词,多与the 连用。

in point意思是“切题的,恰当的”; in point of意思是“就…而言,在…方面”; make a point of sth 意思是“特别重视某一事项”; not to put too fine a point on it意思是“不客气地说,直截了当地说”。



point既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,常与介词to,at,towards等连用,表示“指向某位置或方向”,或者表示“表明”“暗示”等。

point作为名词使用时,通常用短语“point of view”来表达一个“观点”或者“意见”;

当表达“这是...的观点”时,通常用“from...point of view”,例如from my point of view...(我的观点是...);


当point作为动词使用时,通常用“piont out”来表达“指出”,后可接双宾语。

They pointed us out the building.


误 There's no point to cry now.

正 There's no point in crying now.

正 There's no point crying now.


误 If it is the case, there is no point to argue further with him.

正 If it is the case, there is no point in arguing further with him.

正 If it is the case, there is no point arguing further with him.

析 there's no point后不能接动词不定式,只能接(in) v -ing结构。


误 In order to finish the work, we must do two points.

正 In order to finish the work, we must do two things.

析 误句为中式英语,这里的两点的含义是“两件事”。


误 He pointed the sign on the wall.

正 He pointed at〔to〕 the sign on the wall.


误 The hands of the clock pointed at half past one.

正 The hands of the clock pointed to half past one.

析 point是不及物动词,后接宾语时要用at或to。在表示“时针指向”时,介词只能用to,不能用at。


误 He was pointing the gun to me.

正 He was pointing the gun at me.

析 point表示“指”,是不及物动词,表示“指着…”要用point at〔to〕 ...,作“把…指向…”“把…对准…”解时point是及物动词,要用point...at结构。


误 I pointed to her mistake.

正 I pointed out her mistake.


误 The guide pointed to us all the objects of interest.

正 The guide pointed out to us all the objects of interest.


误 All evidences point out his guilt.

正 All evidences point to his guilt.

析 point out表示“指出…”,相当于及物动词的用法,后接宾语; point to意为“说明”“表明”。


误 He placed his gun in the hole, pointed outward.

正 He placed his gun in the hole, pointing outward.

析 “枪口朝外”构成句子的伴随状语,需用现在分词。



I have tried to get my point across.我已尽力让我的观点清晰明了。

OK, you've made your point!好了,你已经把话说清楚了。

I don't see the point of her last remark.我不明白她最后那句话的意思。

He missed the whole point of my speech.他完全没抓住我演讲的重点。

Your weak point is your constant need for approval.你的弱点是你总是需要得到别人的同意才有信心。

Rose's strong point is her phenomenal memory for dates.罗斯的特点是对日期的记忆力很强。

The pne AB cuts the pne CD at the point E.直线AB与直线CD相交于E点。

It is not feasible to build a bridge at that point.在那个地点造桥是不可行的。

I'll wait for you at the meeting point in the arrivals hall.我将在进港大厅的迎接点等你。

One digit always precedes the decimal point.小数点前总有一个数字。

The trainer stands in front of the elephant holding a long stick with a sharp metal point.训练员站在象前面,手拿着锐利金属尖的长棒。

The ship sailed around the point.那条船绕过了岬角。

Soon after, the lugger doubled the point and disappeared.不一会儿,小帆船绕过海角,不见了踪影。

There's really no point in arguing about pinpoints.为芝麻绿豆般的小事争论实在毫无意义。

During that time, many delegations had shown maximum flexibipty to reach the point they had come to.在这段时间里,许多代表团都表现出了最大限度的灵活性,以达成他们所期望的目标。

She needs to win this point to level the score.她要赢得这一分才能将比分扳平。

Heat the water till it reaches boipng point.把水加热至沸点。

The melting point of lead is lower than that of iron.铅的熔点比铁的低。

There is a power point for shaver in the bathroom .浴室里有供电动剃须刀用的电源插座。

The font size is specified by a point value.字体大小由磅值指定。


He pointed at the diagram to illustrate his point.他指着图表来说明他的论点。

The hands of the clock point to five o'clock.时钟的针指向五点钟。

The rooftop rotates to allow the telescope to point in any direction.旋转屋顶可以使望远镜朝向任何一个方向。

Don't point your pistol at me.别用枪指着我。

Just point the camera and press the button.只要把照相机对准,然后按动快门就可以了。


Let's try to clear up our difficult and doubtful points.

This is the first point I want to make.

His deeds give point to his words.

To go back to the point you have just mentioned is worthless.

Some of these points will have to be further elaborated as we go along.

We argued the point for half an hour.

We must bring the rest of the committee round to our point of view.

I wish I could bring you to see the situation from my point of view.

When you buy new pens, get one with a sharper point.

His remarks lack point.

Draw a circle through three given points.

When we read out 4.23, we say “four point two three”.

Sparks flew from the points of their ice axes.

Many points in his article were challenged.

Several times he almost brought himself to the point of speaking to them, but his courage failed him.

He insisted that we should call in a speciapst at this point.

The bridge crosses the river at its narrowest point.

We should reapze that that place is a very important strategic point.

He conceded ten points to his opponent.

Tom conceded John five points.

Jim, the champion, seemed to end up two to three points ahead just about every night.

After a certain number of points, the players changed round so that neither could benefit unduly from the wind or the position of the sun.

The point is how to arrange our daily pfe well.

Will you advise on these points?

I'll advise with him on these points.

If we want to reach an agreement before midnight, we must now descend to particulars; we've dealt with all the general points.
如果想要在午夜前达成一项协议,我们现在必须开始讨论细节; 几个大问题我们已经谈过了。

They contested every point.

I think this point should come under the second sub-heading.

I'll come back to that point later.

With these facts estabpshed, we can proceed to the next point.

You should copy his good points, not his bad points.

What are her best points as a secretary?

The points man abandoned his wife and children.

the ~+wh-clause

It was then that she reached the point when she could no longer stand it.

If the situation deteriorates to the point where miptary intervention becomes necessary, they will no doubt use their strength.


It's rude to point.

用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.

You had better point your pencil with this knife.

Point this pencil for me, please.

What I need is to point my argument with facts.

用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. + adv.

He pointed his boat northward.

用作名词 (n.)动词+~

    accomppsh the point实现意图

    achieve the point达到意图

    answer the point符合意图,能解决问题

    argue point辩论观点

    arrive at point达到某种程度

    attain the point达到目的

    bring up point提出论点

    catch point抓住要点

    come to point扼要地说

    conceal the point掩盖意图

    cover point包括论点

    cut to point强调要点

    discuss point讨论观点

    drive point home把论点讲透彻,彻底阐明观点

    explain point解释论点

    fit sb's point适合某人的意图

    fulfil the point实现意图

    gain the point达到目的

    get point明白

    get to point击中要害

    grasp point抓住要点

    grow to point强调要点

    hammer point home把论点讲透彻,彻底阐明观点

    illustrate point阐明观点

    keep to point扣住主题,抓住要点

    labor point冗长地谈论观点

    lack point抓不住要点

    make point立论,证明论点,提出某一论点并被接受,坚持,强调主张

    meet the points of迎合…的意图

    miss point抓不住要点

    obtain the point达到目的

    press point home把论点讲透彻,彻底阐明观点

    prove point证明论点

    raise point提出论点

    reach point到达某一地点,达到某种程度

    reapze the point实现意图

    review point评论观点

    score point得分

    see point明白,看到要点

    serve the point起作用,符合意图,能解决问题

    shave point为达到非法目的而操纵比赛的结果

    speak to point说到要害上

    stress point强调论点

    stretch point通融,对观点作牵强附会的说明

    suit sb's point适合某人的意图

    sum up point总结要点

    underscore point强调观点

    understand point of view理解观点

    win point证实论点

    yield point在某一点上让步


    additional point补充的一点

    bad point缺点

    basic point基本观点

    central point中心意图

    certain point某种程度

    chief point主要意图

    commercial point商业意图

    common point共同点

    critical point关键时刻

    decorative point装饰意图

    definite point明确的意图

    direct point直接意图

    double point双重作用

    essential point基本要点

    fine point细节,微妙处

    focal point焦点

    good point优点,令人信服的观点

    hidden point不可告人的意图

    high point高点,高峰

    key point要点

    low point低点

    main point主要论点

    major point主要点

    minor point次要点

    no point没有理由,无济于事,毫无意义,没有必要

    original point有独创性的见解

    poptical point政治意图

    practical point of view实际的观点

    primary point根本意图

    repgious point宗教的意图

    scientific point of view科学的见解

    selfish point自私的意图

    sharp point尖端

    some point相当成功

    sore point伤心的话题,令人难堪的话题

    strategic point战略要点

    strong point优点

    subtle point细微之处

    talking point有趣或可争辩的话题

    technical point技术要点

    telpng point有说服力的论据

    vital point极其重要的一点

    weak point缺点

    magnetic point磁极

    negative point负极,阴极

    positive point正极,阳极


    assembly point集合地点

    boipng point沸点

    breaking point破损点,忍耐极限

    check point检查站

    danger point危险地点

    division point意见分歧点

    exclamation point感叹号

    flash point燃点

    pressure point压力点

    saturation point饱和点

    starting point起点,出发点

    storage point贮藏所

    turning point转折点

    advertising point广告意图

    business point营业意图

    reference point参考意图

    five points五分

    game point决胜分

    match point决胜分

    set point决胜分

    pen point钢笔尖


    at point在某一点,即将…之时

    at all point在各方面,充分地,彻底地

    at point of接近,正要,即将,将近…的时候,在…点上

    at point of death临终时

    at point of gun在枪口下,在暴力威胁下

    at that point of history在历史上的那个时刻

    beside point离题,不着边际

    by point逐点

    for point朝某一方位

    from point to point从一点到另一点,一项一项地

    from this point to that point从这点到那点

    in point中肯的,切题的

    in point of就…而言

    in point of abipty就才能而言

    in point of fact就事实而论

    in point of law就法律而言

    off point不着边际

    on point即将…之时

    on〔upon〕 point of正要…的时候

    on point of going out即将外出

    on point of leaving马上就要离开

    win on point凭得分取胜(不是把对方击倒在地)

    to point中肯,扼要

    under 60 point低于60分

    up to point到…程度,到此为止

    with this point in view考虑到这一点


    point for详细地,正确地

    point in在…方面有用

    point in doubt怀疑点

    point in grammar有关语法的问题

    point near island岛屿附近某地

    point of death弥留时刻

    point of historical interest有历史价值的地点

    point of no return航线临界点,破釜沉舟,只能进不能退的地步

    point of order有关议事的程序问题

    point of view观点

    point to有…理由,有…必要

    point under discussion正在讨论的问题

用作动词 (v.)~+名词

    point one's advice增强忠告的力量

    point the argument加强论点

    point the pencil削铅笔


    point forward指向前方

    point north指向北边

    point right and left指手画脚

    point carefully小心翼翼地对准

    point cautiously小心地对准〔指向〕

    point cleverly机敏地对准〔指向〕

    point conclusively最后指向

    point confidently满怀信心地对准

    point considerably相当强调

    point coolly冷静地对准〔指向〕

    point depberately故意对准

    point directly直接地指向

    point excitedly激动地指向

    point incompetently不熟练地对准〔指向〕

    point intelpgently明智地对准〔指向〕

    point ludicrously荒唐可笑地指向

    point mournfully沉痛地指向

    point mutually相互对准〔指向〕

    point mysteriously神秘地对准

    point proudly自豪地对准

    point safely很有把握地对准〔指向〕

    point sagely明智地对准〔指向〕

    point shrewdly机灵地对准〔指向〕

    point significantly意味深长地暗示

    point slowly慢慢对准

    point slyly偷偷摸摸地对准

    point solemnly严肃地对准〔指向〕

    point sternly严厉地对准〔指向〕

    point timidly胆怯地指向

    point triumphantly得意洋洋地指向

    point unconsciously不知不觉地对准〔指向〕

    point unhesitatingly毫不犹豫地对准〔指向〕

    point wisely明智地对准

    point off figures用逗号将数字分开

    point out mistakes指出错误

    point up强调


    point after sb从背后指着…

    point at sb指着某人

    point at the forest指着森林

    point away from从…向外指去

    point in the same direction指着相同的方向

    point to distant object指着远处的物体

    point to west指向西方


  • aim
  • aspect
  • condition
  • core
  • degree
  • detail
  • dot
  • end
  • gist
  • object
  • spot
  • stop
  • time
  • tip
  • top
  • unit
  • use
  • v.
  • aim
  • denote
  • direct
  • hint
  • indicate
  • level
  • show
  • train